
  • "Sarah Pansing masterfully plays the role of Sally Bowles and sings her numbers from her soul."

    Nancy Sasso Janis, Patch

  • "Sarah Pansing commands the stage every second she steps onto it as ‘The Witch.’ There is power in her voice, but it’s her sheer presence that demands your attention. She is a superstar."

    Kirk Sheppard, The Sappy Critic

  • "Sarah Pansing as ‘Kate’ nearly stole the show with the big number ‘Life of the Party’ and her overall star power."

    Kirk Sheppard, The Sappy Critic

  • "As Kate, Sarah Pansing displayed an impressive belt when singing the role's jazz/rock riffs."

    Scott Cain, Talkin' Broadway

  • "Sarah Pansing plays Anne to the hilt, conferring upon the role a sensibility and sensitivity that one might expect of an old soul."

    Herbert Paine, BroadwayWorld Arizona

  • "Sarah Pansing is simply sensational as Anne...there isn't one false move, gesture, or expression in her performance.

    Gil Benbrook, Talkin’ Broadway